Support our Local Legionary Community
As priests of a religious community, we do not have salaries. Rather, we rely on donations and stipends from our ministry. Your financial support makes it possible for us to evangelize youth, families and individuals in communion with the local clergy and lay people!
A tax receipt will be issued.
Charity Registration Number: 888005246RR0001
Ways of Giving
Please consider a monthly donation as they provide a steady income for our daily needs.
Canada Helps
Credit/Debit Card
E-transfer: oakville.lc@gmail.com
(Please send a separate email with the answer to the security question and your name and address to request a tax receipt.)
Cheque payable to:
Legion of Christ Canada, Inc
To donate via wire transfer, stock or wills, please contact Fabricio Foresti at lccanadabm@arcol.org or 905-483-3970
Mail to:
Legion of Christ Canada Inc
2194 Lower Base Line
Oakville, ON L6M 4G1
Thank you for your support!