RC Formation
Intellectual | Apostolic | Human | Spiritual
One of the five elements of the life of a Regnum Christi member is formation. Integral formation is formation in the spiritual, human, intellectual and apostolic areas of our lives. It allows us to form a strong and rich Catholic worldview, develop our capacity to go deeper in our relationship with Christ and to “always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you for the reason for your hope.”
(1 Peter 3:15)
Prayer Book
May it encourage you to personal, family, and team prayer
The Regnum Christi Movement offers its members a Prayer Book to help you to pray in the various circumstances of life, and to promote spiritual communion with Regnum Christi members worldwide. Besides the Movement’s own prayers, it includes a selection of other prayers from the Church’s long tradition, approved and enriched by the popes.

Retreat Guides
by RC Spirituality Centre
Retreat Guides are do-it-yourself retreats available in video format, audio, PDF download, and as a booklet. You can watch, listen, or read them. Use individually or as a group. Each Retreat Guide includes five elements: an introduction, two meditation-starters, a conference, and a personal questionnaire.

Spiritual Smoothies
Directly to your inbox each day
Looking for a spiritual pick-me-up or boost? Then Spiritual Smoothies are just for you! These are short videos, two to three minutes long. We decided to create these bite-sized videos for the same reason that nutritionists invented smoothies. Sometimes you just don’t have time for a full meal, but you need something tasty and nutritious to keep you going. It’s our hope that Spiritual Smoothies will be little reminders and inspirations, quick and easy to watch, but filled with spiritual nutrition.