What every Regnum Christi member should know about the 2023 Territorial
This November 2 - 5, Regnum Christi is holding a territorial convention in Chicago in preparation for the 2024 General Convention in Rome. As Regnum Christi members, this is an important moment as it is when we come together as a family to discern how we are being called by God to move forward in our mission. For more information, visit this RC webpage.
Delegates will be elected from each of the four vocations of Regnum Christi: Legionaries of Christ, Consecrated Women of Regnum Christi, Lay Consecrated Men of
Regnum Christi and affiliated lay members. Also, a number of people will attend the convention because of their office, e.g. territorial director. We expect just over 100 delegates in total.
Each of the vocations will vote for the delegates they want to send to the convention (e.g. lay members will vote for lay members). Our territory is divided into 26 electoral colleges: one for each of the 24 official localities, one for Florida (distinct from Atlanta)
and one for the diaspora covering those members not aligned with a locality. Each electoral college will be able to send at least one delegate, with the total number from each locality being based on their number of registered RC lay members.
Delegates will tackle two main themes during the convention, and then vote on which delegates from among themselves will represent our territory at the 2024 General Convention in Rome. The two broad themes of the convention include:
1. Examining the situation of the world and how Regnum Christi can better serve its needs,
proposing priorities for going forward
2. Looking at the implementation of the Federation itself to see how it is working and make
any proposals necessary for helping it work better
As the topics covered at the convention are deep and far-reaching, delegates (and any reserve-list delegates) will be asked to participate in a preparation program. This program will include activities ranging from reading submissions, participating in topic workshops, listening to presentations on topics, etc. The Delegate Preparation Program will begin in June.
There are four ways to have your voice heard through contributions that will then be made
available to the delegates:
1. Locality leaders have already made a major effort to discern the local reality and prepared a Locality One-Sheet.
2. Teams can review one or more of the nine discussion guides available online
each on a different topic related to our mission - and submit their reflections. These
reflections will be collated and made available to delegates.
3. Individuals can submit a personal reflection.
4. Anyone can speak with their locality delegate(s) to offer their insights and perspectives.
Again, referring here to lay members only, all registered lay members get to vote. In April the territorial office will send a link (via Survey Monkey) to all registered lay members
using the email addresses provided during registration. You will be asked to select up to three people. If you have yet to officially register, you can ask your section director for the link.
Again, referring here to lay members only, we recommend that you vote for those candidates who can represent the locality well in strategic discussions related to our evangelizing mission and the roll-out of the Federation. Ideally, the delegate will have had broad exposure to the mission and be passionate about their vocation. For localities sending more than one delegate, it would be helpful to have male and female
representatives from different age groups.
Three things:
please pray for a generous outpouring of the Holy Spirit throughout this time of discernment,
encourage active engagement of all RC members in the process,
and of course, vote.
Get to Know the RC Members who are willing to represent our locality
As we prepare to cast our vote for the delegate to represent our locality, we have included below a short biography of each of the RC members who indicated they are willing to act as delegates.
The election for lay delegates will take place from May 1 to May 15. Our locality, RC Ontario, which includes Quebec and the Maritimes is able to send one lay delegate.
Here are the 4 candidates for our locality

Maria was born in Guadalajara, Mexico and currently lives in Halifax, NS. At age 8, she began studying at Instituto Alpes in Guadalajara (Semper Altius Schools). Later, in 6th grade, she went to study at The Woodlands Academy in Ireland. After that, she went back to Mexico to study at Instituto Rosedal in Mexico City. While in Ireland, Maria was admitted to ECYD and later, while attending Insituto Rosedal, she joined Reignum Christi.
Maria Alicia Reyna, Halifax NS
When Maria's family moved to the US she continued her studies at Duchesne Academy of the Sacred Heart in Houston, Texas, and the University of St. Thomas (Catholic University).
Maris has been involved in the RC philosophy for as long as she can remember. The person who played a key role in her catholic formation was Celine Kelly RC, who currently lives in Israel.
Maria is very active on social media trying to spread God’s word via her two YouTube channels, TikTok and Instagram.

Regina has been a member of Regnum Christi since 2015 and an active RC member of the Newmarket team. She has been married for 30 years and is a mother of three daughters. After 20 years in business, she had a setback in her health that caused her to take some time off. Her mother’s passing in 2015 and her growing relationship with God inspired her to take a new path in her life. At the age of 52 years, she went back to school as a full-time student.
Regina Rodrigues, Newmarket ON
Regina is a Social Service Worker in Gerontology with a degree in Recreational Therapist. She works for her husband’s business and loves volunteering. Recently, she opened her own practice in York Region. Regina’s hobbies include low and moderate walking and hiking. Being with nature gives her a connection with God, especially when praying the Rosary and enjoying the beauty of nature.

Michael has been a Regnum Christi member since 2016. He was an active volunteer with the Milton Conquest Club throughout high school and served one year as an RC missionary (2012-2013). He continued to discern priesthood in the Legion of Christ from 2013 - 2017 in Cheshire, Connecticut. Upon the conclusion of his priestly discernment and return to Ontario, Michael currently serves as a Pastoral Minister at St. Dominic Parish in Oakville, St. Dominic Parish Conquest Club president.
Michael Aguiar, Milton ON
Michael currently holds the position of Executive Director of Mater Boni Consilii Academy, an upcoming independent Catholic school. Passionate about youth and young adult ministry, he has also been leading initiatives and ministering to the young adult section since 2017.
He is also a writer, who has authored two books:

Tomas is a 57-year-old man who was born in Venezuela. He is an Ophthalmologist who graduated from Universidad Central de Venezuela in 1991.
In 1993 he married Anarella Barrios Pantoja, also an Ophthalmologist and partner in his office until 2009 when they decided to relocate their family to Canada due to the insecurity of the regime that currently governs that country. They now live in Oakville, Ontario with their 2 daughters Ana Isabella who is 22 years old, and Ana Sofia who is 18 years old.
Tomas Castro, Oakville ON
Anarella and Tomas were incorporated into Regnum Christi in September 2014.
Tomas has been an active member in our locality, as a member of the AFIRE team in 2016 and as the Men's Section Director from March 2017 to June 2019.