We met them where they’re at!
How do I express myself when trying to describe the Encounter we had on our first Regnum Christi family street ministry?
Together with our LC priests and Sisters of the Poor of Jesus Christ, we brought homemade sandwiches and bagged lunches for the homeless. Fr. Louis prepared us spiritually with prayer and meditation before we headed out to our meeting place. In our small groups we walked to a park tent encampment in downtown Hamilton to deliver the lunches.
I had prepared myself and was not afraid because I was doing a Work of Mercy for those who had fallen on very hard times. At the encampment, the leader proceeded to explain how they were like a family. He shared with us, all they've been through and continue to go through on a daily and nightly basis.
Alone with Jesus, we walked and talked together, I listened to them share their stories of having fallen on hard times. It was like looking into the face of Jesus just as I was trying to be the face of Jesus to them. It struck me very clearly, that the roles could easily be reversed. Those of us serving could very easily be one of those in need. Hard times could fall on any one of us. No one is immune to this. I was emotional when we prayed with them and said goodbye.
Before ending our visit, Daniela led us all in beautiful spontaneous prayer.
God willing we can serve them again one day with a requested meal of roast beef and potatoes! Why? To make them happy! 😊
This moving and humbling Encounter will stay with me forever.
It filled me with gratitude to have taken the opportunity to serve the needy that day.
In Christ,