You are invited to participate in our Regnum Christi Locality’s Holy Week Missions. As you may be aware, there are three groups forging forward to bring the love of Christ to those in need this Holy Week.
One of the three missions you can sign up for is The RC Missions which will focus on activities mainly within the Hamilton region.
The Mission Youth website is the central place with all the information regarding this mission initiative.
Watch Fr. Adam's video as he explains this year's Holy Week Missions
The events of the Holy week are as follows (There will be more information to come in the following days):
Holy Thursday, April 14, 2022
1. Activity: Stations of the Cross (5:30 -6:30 pm)
St. Patrick’s Church, 440 King St. W., Hamilton, Ontario
In this activity, the group will gather on the parking lot of St. Patrick’s Church to participate in a parish walk to pray the Stations of the Cross.
2. Activity: Mass of the Lord’s Supper (7:00 – 8:00 pm)
St. Patrick’s Church, 440 King St. W., Hamilton, Ontario
All those who participated in the Stations of the Cross are invited to attend the mass of the Lord’s supper at St. Patrick’s
3. Activity: Night Fever (8:30 – 11:59 pm)
St. Philippe, 472 Locust St., Burlington, Ontario
This activity is designed to create the space for RC members to invite friends and family who belong to different parishes to attend night adoration. There will be singing and silent prayer time throughout the night. The Benediction will be at 1145.
Celebration of the Lord’s Passion, Good Friday, April 15, 2022
1. Activity: De Mazenod Door (9:00 – 1:00 pm)
440 King St. W., Hamilton, Ontario
(Maximum: 8 people)
There will be 6 individuals invited to help in the kitchen and 2 people to help outside to give out clothing.
The De Mazenod Door program will feed approximately 500 people on this day. The missionaries will help prepare both breakfast and lunch.
2. Activity: Prayer Tent (9:00 – 1:00 pm)
440 King St. W., Hamilton, Ontario
Outside the De Mazenod Door, on the parking lot, a prayer tent will be set up where RC missionaries will have the opportunity to interact with our homeless brothers and sisters to pray or have a conversation.
3. Activity: Prayer Warrior (9:00 – 1:00 pm)
St. Patrick’s Church, 440 King St. W., Hamilton, Ontario
This activity needs 6-8 people who will pray inside the church for 4 hours for our homeless brothers and sisters, the sick, the dying, the imprisoned, the lonely, healing, the success of the mission, and the petitions of our families.
4. Activity: Praise and Worship (9:00 – 1:00 pm)
St. Patrick’s Church, 440 King St. W., Hamilton, Ontario
Outside the De Mazenod Door, on the parking lot, close to the prayer tent will be a place for 3-4 musicians to gather to sing praise and worship songs within the above time-frame. This will be an opportunity to sing and interact with our homeless brothers and sisters.
5. Activity: Soup Run (11:30 – 2:30 pm)
Downtown Hamilton
This activity will involve 4-6 individuals who will travel to three downtown Hamilton spots where the homeless gathers to give out food. They will hand out soup, sandwiches, water, and granola bars to the homeless on the streets of Hamilton. This group will be in-charge of preparing the soup and the sandwiches, packaging them into bags with water and granola bars, and then preparing them for transport. The meeting place will be determined later.
6. Activity: Celebration of the Lord’s Passion (3 pm)
St. Patrick’s Church, 440 King St. W., Hamilton, Ontario
All participants of this Good Friday mission are invited back to St. Patrick’s to attend the 3 pm Celebration of the Lord’s Passion, 440 King St. W., Hamilton, Ontario. To be confirmed.
Holy Saturday, April 16, 2022
1. Activity: Soup Run (11:30 – 2:30 pm)
Downtown Hamilton
This activity will involve 4-6 individuals who will travel to three downtown Hamilton spots where the homeless gathers to give out food. They will hand out soup, sandwiches, water, and granola bars to the homeless on the streets of Hamilton. This group will be in-charge of preparing the soup and the sandwiches, packaging them into bags with water and granola bars, and then preparing them for transport. The meeting place will be determined later.
I pray that your family will join with more than one mission activity this Holy Week. “And the king will answer them, truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me” (Matthew 25: 40).
To be involved in missions is an active way to bring Christ to others. Let us go and live out the Gospel.
How to sign up
1. Go to https://missionyouth.com/hamilton
2. Click on RC Missions picture
3. This will take you to a form
4. Fill out the form
5. Make an optional donation if you can to help with the mission activities – particularly the soup run.
What happens after you submit the form:
1. You will receive a message that says Thank You – This will indicate that your registration has been received
2. Louela Rankin will follow up with an email confirming your registration.
3. The email from Louela will also ask you to complete a form that will indicate which activity(ies) you want to participate in during our Holy Week Missions.
Palm Sunday is the Missionary Send-off Day
1. We will get together at St. Dominic’s from 2:00 – 5:00 pm.
2. This is where your ordered products will be given to you
3. Specific Mission Activities will be discussed during the Send-off Activity – There are three groups: Youth & Young Adult Mission (Kitchener/Waterloo), RC Missions (Hamilton), Missionary Families (Toronto).
For further information, please contact Louela Rankin at lmrankin63@gmail.com