On March 14, 2020 we were blessed to have been able to gather for a Lent Retreat at Holy Rosary Parish in Milton, Ontario. The retreat was held just before the Diocese had all events and Masses cancelled.
It was an opportunity for us to reflect on “The Calvary Legacy” and began with Mass. Fr. Louis de Vaugelas reminded us that like Christ, we are also, taken, blessed, broken and given. Through the parable of the prodigal son we were asked to reflect on who we identify with? At times, we are the prodigal son, and other times we may be like the older son. God is loving and merciful to both. Through Christ’s crucifixion and Mary at the foot of the cross we see that Mary was also, like Christ, taken, blessed, broken and given.

A precedent in our area was to have lay Regnum Christi members lead two of the meditations during the retreat. Alejandro Sanchez led us through the meditation on the initial response of the apostles after the crucifixion. They would have been filled with a sense of despair. This meditation was a great reminder to all of us, especially during this time, that God is in control and we must seek refuge in the Lord. The real legacy of Calvary is hope! And hope is greater than fear as it motivates us into action in a way that fear cannot.

Next, Sonja Dalle Ave, spoke about Spiritual Motherhood, imploring us to take Mary into our homes. Allowing her to be a mother to us, to form us, and correct us as she would have done for John. Mary who was called to be the Mother of Jesus, and perfect son, was now being taken into the home of a man like John. She accepted this, lovingly and humbly, the same way she accepts all of us as her children. We too are called to this spiritual motherhood of those in our lives whom we assist in forming, correcting and caring for.

All in all, it was a blessed day. So many inspirations to carry with us throughout the rest of Lent. Personally, it reminded me of the quote from Ester, perhaps we were all created for a time such as this.
Blessed and Holy Lent to all of you.
In Christ,
