In this final video in the series we hear from various members of Regnum Christi who share how Christ has sent them out, accompanied them and how they in turn were able to send and accompany others as well. Therein lies the mystery of Christ, leaving us a model to live by that is repeatable because he continues to send and accompany us. He does not treat us as orphans, but as his beloved children.
Michael Aguiar shares how we have an opportunity to enter into an even more intimate relationship with Christ than the apostles did. We have the Holy Spirit living within us.
Alejandra Briones shares her testimony of being raised as a Catholic in Mexico. Even though she was exposed to the faith and the spiritual family of Regnum Christi from a young age, she went through a time in her life when she did not actively live her faith. The emptiness she felt led her back to rediscover the love of Christ. She then responded to a calling from Christ. Christ sent her out to be his apostle through giving one year of her life to be a missionary worker.
Kathleen Almon, CRC, grew up in ECYD since she was 11 years old. She shares how she has sensed Christ sending and accompanying her through her vocation as a Consecrated Woman of Regnum Christi. In every place and in every relationship she has felt called to share this experience of being sent and accompanied by Christ with others.
Fr. Jerek Scherber, LC shares how being called out of his comfort zone impacted his ability to trust in God and gain a different understanding of how to measure success. Comparing his own call to go out and accompany others with Peter’s call to step out of the boat and onto the water.
“When He sends us out, we are setting up the occasion for God to reach out to others, so they can experience an encounter with Him.”
Alejandro Sanchez and Daniela Dalla Via also provide personal testimonies that demonstrate how Christ allowed them to experience his accompaniment once they were sent out and accompanied others.
To live the mystery of Christ is to make present the Kingdom of Christ. It’s a call to holiness within our spiritual family of Regnum Christi.
“How do you live the mystery?”
Watch the video and submit your team's responses to the reflection questions to your Section Director by April 17th, 2021.
Learn more about, Who We Are and how we aim to "Live the Mystery" through our adult, young adult and youth work.
To access the previous videos and questionnaire click on the following links: