I felt a deep call to attend the Women’s Triduum of Renewal in May which was guided my Fr. Todd Arsenault, our wise and gentle “leader of the pack”. The retreat far exceeded my expectations. To have one extra day in quiet prayer and meditation refreshed my soul.
St. Elizabeth said to Our Lady, “who am I that the mother of our Lord come to me?” Similarly, I pondered, “Who am I that Mary’s child Jesus, calls me his Beloved?” Pondering this realization that I am his Beloved was a deep and profound moment for me. I knew that no matter what I’ve done or not done, or where I’ve been or what I’ve said, that my Lord loves me with His unconditional love and still refers to me as His Beloved.
This overflowing love is what molds my heart from one of stone to one of flesh; to a deeper relationship, a deeper conversion and a deeper conviction. I am grateful the Lord inflamed my heart this weekend and increased my longing to spend more time in prayer and meditation with Him, my Beloved.
In prayer, the Lord placed a vibrant burst of joy in my heart that reinvigorated my convictions to my faith and to RC and its mission to the Church. My heart is ready Lord.
“Guide me to where you want me. Increase my faith, my Hope and my charity. Let me always long to seek you in solitude but also in all people you place before me.”
– Maria Guiducci