to prayer…
to communion…
to evangelize…
We can’t wait to see you March 17-19 for a weekend of prayer, conferences and conversations about the identity and mission of Regnum Christi!
Experienced and dynamic Lay Members, Legionaries of Christ and Consecrated Women of Regnum Christi will offer practical insights and clear explanations of the new lay member statutes and how to live them. We will pray together and enjoy each other’s company with daily Mass, personal prayer time, holy hours and happy hours.
You will come away renewed, informed, and equipped to lead your local Regnum Christi members as we begin to live the life and mission we have affirmed through the renewal process.
The conferences will be geared at all those (men, women, legionaries and consecrated) in leadership roles in the Movement – as well as anyone training for a future leadership role.
· Space is limited- register soon!
· Cost including meals and double occupancy accommodation on site: $350
· Commuter cost including meals and convention but not including accommodation: $250
· Those who wish to arrange their own stay off-site at a hotel may do so. We are working on a group rate at a nearby hotel. Details to come shortly.
· Optional Section Directors and Team Leaders Pre-Convention Workshop March 16-17 including meals and onsite double occupancy accommodation: $150 or Commuter rate: $100
Please register here: https://secure.acceptiva.com/?cst=23ccf0
Location Details
