Are you feeling called to serve on the local committee?
The heart of the apostolic mission of Regnum Christi is lived out in the locality by its members through its sections and apostolates. The Regnum Christi Local Committee serves this mission by providing governance support at the locality level under the direction of the Regnum Christi North American Territorial Committee based in Atlanta and chaired by our Territorial Director, Fr. John Connor, LC.
The Local Committee reports to the Territorial Committee and is chaired by our Local Director, Tima Borges. Membership consists of a representative group of Regnum Christi members and Legionaries from our locality. Their function is to direct the common apostolic mission, fostering communion and collaboration among the branches in the locality.
The committee meets at least quarterly and is responsible for all common areas of work in the locality, including RC section apostolic work, local apostolate operations and the financial health of the locality. The committee works in collaboration with other institutions, territorial apostolates and programs, and our Legionary community.
Up until recently Veronica Touhey was the Recruitment Coordinator and Christine Cardwell served as the Local Committee’s Secretary. We are grateful to both Veronica and Christine for their generosity in sharing their time and talents to serve the locality. They have both discerned that it is time to step down and give another member the opportunity to serve on the Local Committee.
There are currently two vacant roles on our Local Community. If you are feeling called to serve the locality in this capacity please contact me or your section director. Click here to read the summary of the two vacant roles on the committee.
The Recruitment coordinator could also be called the ‘growth’ coordinator. For us, the word “growth” means drawing as many people as possible to Christ and helping them to experience his love so that they will know him, love him, and imitate him in their own life.
Functions of the Growth Coordinator
Help to maintain a keen apostolic awareness in each member of the section so that they will draw more people closer to Christ and the Church.
Infuse a deep mystique of growth and vocational promotion on all levels, for the good of the Church. Keep promotional material current and ensure it is available at events.
Organize discernment courses and coordinate incorporation ceremonies at Christ the King celebration and maintain stock of the materials needed for new members (i.e. Prayer books, Commitment cards, Bibles, Crucifixes)
Help all members promote and invite others to participate actively in the apostolic activities organized by the section’s teams, in the formative activities, and in the spiritual activities organized by the Movement.
Ensure that in events there is an atmosphere of charity and apostolic dynamism that will be positive and attractive for anyone who visits and has contact with the teams of the Movement.
Make sure that all people discerning a call and the new members of the movement are offered personal attention. This is of paramount importance.
The Local Committee Secretary is an administrative role, aimed to assist the Local Director in communicating with the Local Committee members and holding each of them accountable.
Functions of the Secretary:
Attend quarterly meetings and record minutes of meeting, including action items and deadlines.
Send e-mail messages to the Local Committee members including the minutes of meeting, agenda and other reminders and updates as needed.
Assist the Local Director in collecting data from consultation survey’s and the annual report to be submitted to the Territorial Committee.
The secretary is a non-voting member who can also provide their perspective of team/ section life and can voluntarily assist with initiatives of the Local Committee.
It would be beneficial to have someone in these roles as we look ahead to the 2017-2018 calendar. If you are feeling called to the Secretary or Recruitment Coordinator role on the Local Committee please contact your section director or Tima before June 1, 2018 with any questions or to express your interest.